Last year Vince convinced me that it would be a great idea to keep track of my training hours for this season and provided me with a great link to the google doc spreadsheet he uses to track his own hours / distances. At first I thought it would be arduous to keep up and I would eventually fall of the logging wagon, however being able to compare hours and distances with my fellow triathletes is a great motivator. Therefore as the end of 2010 rolls around I find myself cleaning up and updating my 2010 log making it ready for the 2011 season. I thought therefore this would be a good time to offer up a copy to any of those who would like to start logging in the current season, or who are still stuck in the dark ages of Excel logging. The color scheme can of course be change for those who loath the one I have selected, I do recommend differentiating the colours in the separate Swim / Run / Bike columns to easily see where your missing out in your training.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Training Logs
Last year Vince convinced me that it would be a great idea to keep track of my training hours for this season and provided me with a great link to the google doc spreadsheet he uses to track his own hours / distances. At first I thought it would be arduous to keep up and I would eventually fall of the logging wagon, however being able to compare hours and distances with my fellow triathletes is a great motivator. Therefore as the end of 2010 rolls around I find myself cleaning up and updating my 2010 log making it ready for the 2011 season. I thought therefore this would be a good time to offer up a copy to any of those who would like to start logging in the current season, or who are still stuck in the dark ages of Excel logging. The color scheme can of course be change for those who loath the one I have selected, I do recommend differentiating the colours in the separate Swim / Run / Bike columns to easily see where your missing out in your training.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Imperial Unit
63,360 inches.
8 furlongs.
4 laps.
1 mile.
The Mile.
There is a deep connection to the word mile. The word represents a standard. Mile high. Mileage. If you give and inch, you give a mile. Going the extra mile. Walk a mile in a man's shoes. The trial of miles and miles of trials. The sound of this word bristles the neck hairs of those who run. And while all runners log miles; not all runners are brave enough to toe the line and to RACE THE MILE.
The mile conjures up my memories of high school gym class requirements or a minimum fitness test for high school soccer. (High school is Grade 9-12 to those of us in the good old US of A). And while I can't speak for any Canadians, I can let you know the dread that crosses the minds of kids in the states when they are asked to run the mile for gym class. Perhaps today's kids are soft... some of them certainly look quite squishy these days. But the day of the mile probably elicits more doctors notes and excuses for non-participation than any other day - with the possible exception of Opening Day for Major League Baseball.
I remember training for my first mile. I had my dad drive his car around the park road at the park near my house. I wasn't much of a trained runner back then - in fact I knew nothing of training. But I remember feeling an excitement about timing myself for the distance. I wanted to race a mile, so I practiced by racing a mile. It was yet to cross my mind that running further than a mile would be good training. And when I performed for my first actual race I still remember my time. Fast forward 15 years to 2009 and I would race my next mile as part of last year's UBC race series, it wasn't until last year's race that I would finally improve upon my first mile. It was what I call, a PR (personal record - aka personal best).
Now, thanks to the 2010 edition of the UBCTC Fall Race Series I have returned to test myself against the very same mile. To follow is my recollection of the events as they unfolded...
To me, my race was against myself. Sure I was hoping to pick-off a runner or two who had finished ahead of me last year - but deep down this was between ME (now) and ME (then). In order to improve on last years race I needed to run a smarter race. I had been training differently between the two years. Last year I had more volume and was in the midst of recreating myself as a run - this year my training was lighter in volume but richer in quality. I have been working on my form and efficiency - I've continued to strengthening my core, focused on turnover and keeping my contact time with the ground to a minimum.
First item to running a smarter race was not going out too fast on the first lap. Last year I went out too fast and surely paid the price later in the race. This year I wanted to keep all my laps within 5 seconds of each other. I've found that mentally running through my game plan helps me to execute a better performance.
Here was my plan for execution of a PR:
Lap 1 Get out clean, breath and remain relaxed.
Lap 2 settle into my pace and be as efficient as possible.
Lap 3, Don't get distracted. Now is not the time for weakness.
Lap 4. Accelerate through the corners and push like hell.
I also had specific time goals for each lap. In addition to the goal of following my plan above, I also like to have some specific goals. I could write a whole blog on goal setting, but for now I will share that in my experience, setting multiple levels of goals can be helpful. My time goals were a bit loftier - but I'm not afraid to set a goal that I can't quite reach.
Now if anyone actually remembers the actual events of the race - more power to them. To me the race was a blur. I focused solely on myself for each step and did fairly well. I set a PR and reeled in one runner who had beat me before. But I did not reach my time goal and I got out-kicked in the finishing straight by 2 runners.
Nothing motivates me more than being beat by an honest effort. I am very lucky to have clawed my way up in the race where I have several competitors. I will be motivated for next year's mile and will train to now beat this year's time and perhaps out-kick a few more runners.
Now for those who have read this so far here I will attempt to start some discussion. My hope is that through the 'Comments' section, we can re-create the events of the race by each personal account.
- This year's event featured a Battle of the Sexes. The Men were held to a 60 second handicap start. The grand prize was a 3 point bonus for the first racer (man or woman) to the finish line. I was on the opposite side of the track when the finish line was crossed, but I believe that John claimed the prize for the Men. The women's winner on the night, Kaley was caught just before the line. Go Men!
- Barry has some competition for the official position of 'Super-fast runner man'. An honorary title.
-Winston is learning to run a steadier pace - finally Harmin the Garmin is happy. According to Kellen's Garmin, he ran a spiral route out into the Georgia Straight. These two will battle again in the future.
- I, Kory finally caught Liam. Liam discounted the achievement by stating that he was fat and out of shape. (I'll still take it).
- Victoria ran herself back to physio. Were have I seen this before? She's tough as nails, but also as smart as them. Will her hamstrings gain the strength needed to counter-balance her ever increasing quad strength? Or will she continue to race until the wheels fall off? Stay tuned.
- John set a new tri-club record, one that I predict will stand for a long time.
- President Kim took almost 20 seconds off of last year's time.
- Matt beat Vince. Vince still blames his concussion.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Hillclimb Timetrial

Friday, October 29, 2010
From Iona, Through Time
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Revenge of the Brick
Oops, sorry…. Wrong blog.
Here we go . . . with the weather gods holding the rain at bay 23 eager UBC Triathletes braved the nippy temperature for what turned out to be quite the morning. It started at the club office where much to Kellen’s dismay numerous bike tires were grossly under inflated. He quickly got to work and set matters right patiently explaining to each underinflated tire and owner why tire pressure mattered so much.
Shortly after everyone rolled out and followed the current UBC TC Fall Classic Race Leader Matt Reeve to the transition area. It should be noted that after many comments from the peanut gallery over the last couple weeks concerning his lack of cape wearing he’d finally found the nerve to wear his flashy gold and blue cape that morning.

At the transition everyone positioned their shoes in what was hoped to be a strategic order and fortunately there was no one out shoe shopping that morning because lets face it, if anyone had wanted a new pair of runners I’m sure they could have found a size, colour, and style to their liking amongst the 23 pairs spread out on display. Numerous members questioned the safety of leaving their precious bikes unguarded while they pounded the pavement around the stadium. Their fears were put to rest however as Derick volunteered to be the official time keeper and bike guard extraordinaire (he seems to be doing a better job taking care of other peoples bikes then his own lately).
Next up was a warm up lap of the run and bike course to make sure all members were familiar with the twists and turns the Brick was about to throw at them. Well lets face it, the only real twists and turns are deciding if you want to risk beating that car to make the turn at Kullahun Drive in order to save yourself a few precious seconds. Or in Winston’s case whether or not to “storm thru” the red light and save himself a few more seconds were it not for the cop car waiting on the opposite side of the intersection (perhaps having been tipped off to watch out for just such stormy indiscretions).
Finally at 10am with not so fresh legs due to the killer Wreck Beach stair workout on Wednesday everyone was lined up and ready to go. After some discussion about where Jesse would start he decided to line up behind Victoria in an effort to not let a repeat of the Victoria Half Marathon cloud his day (see the results to find out if his choice paid off). Much to everyone’s dismay their race leader had ditched his gold and blue cape and would no longer be wearing it during the race. Despite the fact he was earlier quoted as saying “seeing as Kory hasn’t shown up, this ones in the bag” it now seemed as though he was worried his cape wouldn’t hold up to the aerodynamics of Vince’s disk wheel. Melanie on the other hand wasn’t so concerned about aerodynamics and was considering racing in some oversized gloves and a jacket that looked more like a parachute.
With everyone starting 15 seconds apart to help enforce the new rule of no drafting not much can be said for the race itself other than there were numerous calves screaming for the pain to stop. Some racers, whether by choice or default, raced with runners and flat pedals which surely aided them in having a speedy transition. Karin, the proud owner of a new road bike, was out for her first tri club ride of the year and Laura was seen crossing the finish line with her usual enthusiasm.
In the meantime for your stats calculations, sizing up of rivals, comparing of times from last year, agonizing over how many people you can beat when you make up the Brick next weekend, and general all round viewing pleasure below you can find the results of the UBC TC Fall Classic Race Series Brick.
Matt Reeve | 20:08 |
Vincent Lavallee | 20:46 |
Tyler Filteau | 21:39 |
Winston Guo | 22:10 |
Dylan | 22:23 |
Kellen Kjera | 22:26 |
Victoria Gilbert | 22:47 |
Jesse Chao | 22:49 |
Drew Senay | 22:59 |
Thomas Belshein | 23:04 |
Melanie van Soeren | 23:58 |
Reza | 23:59 |
Johnson Jia | 24:07 |
Dirk Haupt | 24:27 |
Rachel Schoeler | 24:42 |
Jen Moroz | 24:52 |
Kywon Kim | 25:52 |
Karin Olafson | 26:00 |
Jen Bhatla | 26:22 |
Stephanie | 27:19 |
Alex | 31:07 |
Jasmin | 31:30 |
Laura Freeman | 32:30 |
Friday, October 22, 2010
AquaSTORM 500m swim, 2.5km run
Date/Time: Oct. 17, 2010, 10am.
The rules and stakes.
As is typical with these hotly contested challenges, the aquathon or better known as aquaSTORM is a test of swim, transition, and run without any breaks in between and surviving the winstorm. There will be one big winner from each gender who will take home his or her a feast of 30 coveted UBCTC Fall Classic Racing Series points as well the opportunity for cumulative bonus participation points. Participants are fully aware of the highly anticipated bright and breezy winstorm in effect.
The challenge is done with a mass start in the outdoor pool. Separation of the various speed of swimmers are encouraged to prevent over congestion in each lanes. After completing 5 laps in the pool, they will then toss on their runners and begin the 3 loops 2.5k run. The first person to arrive at the finish line from each gender will gorge individual maximum feasting points for the challenge.
The reason.
Why you ask?
The individuals are battling each other to become the leader of the overall points in the UBCTC Fall Classic Racing Series. The title is a big deal and comes with personal fame and glory no doubt, and their names will be forever engraved on the Vincent Lavallee Cup.**
Some notables.
Vincent Lavallee lays his cards on the table in an interview that Matt Reeve has never been part of his secret alliance (ehem allegations for TTT recently at Iona in a non-drafting sanctioned event), and that he would be difficult to beat at the end. Additionally Vince’s credible reputation of being the ‘generally good looking guy’ is threatened this season due a little marathon, so much so he graciously offered to sit out the aquastorm and help out with timing and cheerleading in lieu of participating.
Eddy Wu is only focused on beating the winstorm. He will be beyond overjoyed if this comes true.
For Brendan Neaf it’s simply about winning. Shortly after the 10K TT in Iona, he uttered a quiet confidence and said to winstorm that HE HAD WON THE RACE...against himself. He beat himself, therefore he is a champion. The aquathon will be no different, winstorm or no winstorm.
Returning aquathon winner Rachael Schoeler knows only two things. 1) She can school the competition with her eyes closed. And 2) She cannot get beat by a winstorm again like last year. That would be embarrassing.
Karin Olafson isn’t worried about the winstorm. She is out to defeat Rachael whether it’s in water or on land.
Jenn Moroz believes that her doing the dishes is currying favour with her new teammates. Blocking a winstorm from getting a good swim start is key.
Victoria Gilbert on the other hand, is trying not to rock the boat, as she knows she’s on the outs. A winstorm will be nearing.
The forecast.
Bright and breezy winstorm.
The results.
We actually had seen a great race. It may not have been the best challenge we’ve ever seen but at least it was original. The winstorm had time to put on socks, glasses, visor, shirt, and of course Garmin.
The damage.
Matt Reeve 17:17
Kory Seder 18:09
Rachel Schoeler 18:23
Brendan Neaf 18:46
Karin Olafson 18:56
Eddy Wu 19:03
Winstorm 19:20
Victoria Gilbert 19:24
Jen Bhatla 19:37
Melanie van Soeren 19:42
Kim Seder 20:15
Jen Moroz 20:34
Kywon Kim 21:10
Jesse Chao 21:38
Johnson Jia 22:44
Rodrigo Samayoa 23:35
Sherry Gu 23:48
**However if your name happens to be 2X defending champion Matt Reeve and you also fail to sport the golden-blue cape for the full duration of at least one event in the series, then this personal fame and glory must be relinquished to the next leader in the overall standings.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Five Hundred Meters to Equality
Kory Seder | 6:58 |
Rachel Schoeler | 7:00 |
Karin Olafson | 7:21 |
Matt Reeve | 7:34 |
Vincent Lavallee | 7:44 |
Eddy Wu | 7:45 |
Jen Bhatla | 7:50 |
Matt Ridley | 8:09 |
Branden Neaf | 8:25 |
Kywon Kim | 8:41 |
Jorg Winter | 8:44 |
Melanie van Soeren | 8:50 |
Victoria Gilbert | 8:51 |
Kim Seder | 8:59 |
Winston Guo | 9:00 |
Jen Moroz | 9:20 |
Kristry | 9:29 |
John Heinz | 9:49 |
Derrick Lee | 9:57 |
Kellen Kjera | 10:06 |
Drew Senay | 10:26 |
Jesse Chao | 10:50 |
Janice | 14:20 |
Liam Harrap | 15:00 |
Derek Westra-Luney | 6:23 |
Patrick Waters | 6:33 |
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mental Game Planning
Today's e-lesson is on Mental Game Planning.
Everyone should have a game plan for competition.
When a player consistently gets nervous in front
of a crowd or gets psyched out after making a mistake,
a contingency plan routed in sports psychology can help
them get back on track and forget the earlier problem.
Learn how to motivate your athletes by walking them
through this exercise.
Each athlete should have a contingency plan that
includes the following:
* Pregame preparation
* Plan for errors during the competition
* Avoiding competitive stress
Pregame preparation should be a routine that the
player chooses that helps them focus and calm
themselves before the game. For some players,
this includes listening to music or meditating.
For some, it involves warm-up drills or visualization.
Help your players identify what gets them prepared,
focused, and confident, and work with them to create
a routine that prepares them for the game.
Errors are going to occur during competition, but the
players that have a plan for getting back on track are
more likely to bounce back and succeed. Sit down with
players to find out what motivates them after they make
a mistake.
With that knowledge, help them devise a strategy for
dealing mentally with errors that happen during the game.
Perhaps they should take a few seconds to say silent
affirmations, such as "I am good, I am worthy, I can
do this," or maybe they should visualize making their
next play perfect. Whatever works for players is the
right contingency plan.
Finally, help players avoid competitive stress by
taking steps to eliminate the unknown. Explain what
players should expect during every game. Work with
them to channel their nerves into power.
Nerves are a natural part of competition, but those
players who learn to control those butterflies in the
stomach are the ones who come out as winners.
Teach players to take deep breaths, focus on one thing
at a time, and believe in themselves. With that plan,
competitive stress becomes an asset, not a liability.
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Fall Classic Returns!
John Heinz | 4:12 |
Matt Reeve | 4:18 |
Vincent Lavallee | 4:24 |
Kellen Kjera | 4:32 |
Winston Guo | 4:38 |
Thomas Belshein | 4:49 |
Liam Harrap | 4:50 |
Tyler Filteau | 4:57 |
Branden Neaf | 5:00 |
Matt Ridley | 5:05 |
Kory Seder | 5:05 |
Jesse Chao | 5:06 |
Jake Alleyne | 5:08 |
Johnson Jia | 5:11 |
Dirk Haupt | 5:15 |
Rodrigo Samayoa | 5:18 |
Jen Moroz | 5:20 |
Victoria Gilbert | 5:21 |
Ceilidh Curtis | 5:27 |
Melanie van Soeren | 5:30 |
Ried Kimmett | 5:31 |
Stephanie Urness | 5:32 |
Karin Olafson | 5:38 |
Eliza Chriistie | 5:41 |
Rachel Schoeler | 5:50 |
Kim Seder | 5:53 |
Meagan Mckeen | 5:57 |
Sherry Gu | 6:02 |
Keely Hammond | 6:08 |
Jen Bhatla | 6:23 |
Laura Freeman | 9:39 |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
First Ride of the Year
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Banff Pre Race-Report
New PR's were achieved and many adventures were had. A complete race report will soon be provided so stay tuned but here's a little taste of what happened this past weekend...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Group Riding
Cycling in a group is one of the wonderful things about our pastime; like minded people socializing while exercising.
There are few sports where you can do this as well.
The picture on the left is a group doing just that; highly visible to other road users and riding two abreast as is legal in most places.
The picture on the right is not a group ride in my opinion; it is a group of cyclists all riding as individuals on the same section of the highway.
A few strong riders are going “Balls out” at the front, tearing what could have been a group apart. There is no socializing going on.
If there is one complaint I hear all the time from the non-cycling public, it is that groups of cyclists ride three and four abreast blocking traffic. I am sorry to say this but in many cases it is true, I have witnessed it.
Here is a group of professional cyclists on a training ride. The important thing about this group is that they are taking less than half the lane and a car wishing to pass can easily see around them to determine whether it is safe to do so.
In this next picture, these riders are technically riding two abreast, but why are they taking the whole lane? What is with all that unnecessary wasted space in the middle?
Here is another large group of about twenty experienced riders; these guys have the luxury of a nice wide shoulder on this stretch of road, but even if the shoulder was not there they would only be taking half the lane and it would be easy for a passing driver to see around them.
Then there is this group. You could argue that this stretch of highway is three lanes wide on either side, so why shouldn’t a group of cyclists use the whole lane. Just because you can, does that make it right?
It is not that difficult to ride two by two in a pace line, it just takes a few like minded individuals to democratically decide that is what they want to do.
If you ride in a single pace line, the line is twice the length for a car to pass, and there is usually a rider dropping back from the front, so the line is still two abreast at some point.
A group like the one shown on the left can cover a lot of miles at a fairly good pace, and training wise is more beneficial to everyone.
I may leave myself open to criticism in saying this, but it seems to me that many want to look like professionals with the equipment and clothing but have no interest in trying to ride like a professional.
That is to take the time to learn to follow a wheel, and to ride in close proximity to others.
And socialize, even the pros do it in the middle of the peloton during the Tour de France.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Triple Crown 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010
Surviving the Triple Crown

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tour de France Pool 2010!