Saturday, September 14, 2013

Back to School - Back to Training!


So Tri Club is back in action! And I hope everyone in the club is ready for another awesome year.
In case you missed our awesome booth at Imagine Day - here are some photos of SOME of the crew who came out to help out! Unfortunately we didn't manage to get a photo of everyone - but it was amazing to see so many faces from the club excited to recruit new members for the fall term. Thanks for all your help guys!
This year we had 376 new sign ups!!!! To put this into perspective - last year we only had about 100 sign ups.. that's like a 3.76X IMPROVEMENT!
...Or an even better video to show my excitement over this. It's OVER 300!

Left to right: Jenn (VP Internal), Tiffany (VP External), some weird looking dude

 From left to right: Some weird looking dude, Chris (one of your VP Athletics), Ryan Hirakida (VP Social)

If you missed us - come check us out on Clubs days!!!! - We can also accept club membership fees on club days as well (or before any of the workouts).

 So what does this mean now that we have so many new members who are gonna be around?
Well, it means a few things...
a) BIKES: We're gonna start having an A group and B group both meeting at the same time and location but for different levels of challenge for the Saturday 9am rides lead by Eddy (Cycling Coach).
 b) RUNS: We had a HUGE turn out on Monday and Wednesday (5:30pm runs)- and also over 10 people doing Ab ripper. With such a big crowd its a lot easier to find others your own speed and meet new people. I can't wait to see how many people come out next week!
c) SWIMS: Also a great turn out - and a number of people all at different skill levels! Tia given some game talk of doing technical workouts now earlier in the season and working more on endurance as we get closer to race season (spring)- then moving into tactical skills (e.g. drafting) as we get closer to the summer (and the races associated with em').
She's also given out goal setting sheets which I'll try to get up on this blog as well.
d) STRETCHY TIME: - this will be resuming next Friday at 6:30pm (and continuing every week after at a similar time for the rest of the term - if there are timing alterations these will be posted on the club facebook group). This is sort of a cross between stretching, pilates, yoga, and pirates - except without the pirates. Come try it out - there's always a big crowd (Bring your own yoga mat if you have one - if not we have a few spares kicking around the club office!).

 Come on out to a workout if you haven't yet!
Look forward to seeing you all around!

UBC Tri Exec!

1 comment:

Winstonian said...

Love it!

PS save the pirates for stretchy time Hallowe'en edition.