The rain fell like gels pouring out of the clouds. Though weighed down by the water, the warriors tredged on to the dankest of race courses for the 5km glory.

The winners were...Drum roll please?.... Simon and Jen Moroz.
But more importantly, we got a mini interview with Hyun!
Here's it is... Behold!
Q: Hyun, anything you'd like to say to the fans after an amazing race?
Hyuen: don't stop believing, and if you're not first your last!
Q: What was your prep like for this astonishing race?
Hyuen: Mostly running. I run to class, run in class, run after class. Even in my dreams I'm always running
Q: Did it feel as good as you imagined it to passing by Seth and tiff on your final lap?
Hyun: Better. The look on Seth's face crying because he couldn't take home the gold was priceless.
Q: If it got so rainy the course was flooded would you have still won? Hyun: No, it would have come down to the best swimmer. While Brendan or Carl or Jen are more like a big tunas in the water, I'm more like a little baby anchove, so I would have had no chance, unless a shark came by and ate Brendan but that wouldn't be nice, and who would want to clean up that mess.

Above: Hyun leading the race as he passes an innocent bystander.
Get ready for tha beer mile coming soon!
Tentative date? Next Friday Night, meeting at Camosun Oval, (then making our way to Alma for an Alma-wesome after party.)
Also, shout out to Victoria, Brendan and Winston for amazing races in Arizona this past weekend!!!
Way to rep the club, and look beautiful doing it too.